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Comparison of Oral Strips to Other Pet Calming Formulations

Comparison of Oral Strips to Other Pet Calming Formulations | Vitricion

  Do you want to give your pet supplements, but it feels like pulling teeth? Well, just like us, our pets can be picky too! And we all know the struggle of keeping our pets healthy, especially when it comes to getting them to take their supplements.  Tablets can be tough to swallow, capsules get […]

Are Calming Supplements Safe for Dogs?

Are Calming Supplements Safe for Dogs? 1 | Vitricion

We adopt dogs and call them pets, but in reality, they are our loyal companions, and confidants. They have a remarkable capability to tune in with our emotions. They can always sense when we’re happy, sad, or stressed, and that connection is one of the many reasons we love them so much. But the disorder […]

Pet Calming Oral Strips: The Ultimate Pet Anxiety Supplement 2024

Vitricion | Pet Anxiety Supplement | Pet calming Oral strips | Thumbnail

Just like us, our furry friends can also feel anxious sometimes. Sure, all dogs (and even cats) get nervous now and then—it’s only natural. But when anxiety is off the charts and left unchecked, it can turn into a bigger problem for them, leading to anxiety disorders and even behavioral issues. And, just like we […]

Natural Remedies for Acidity and Bloating Relief 2024

What are the Natural Remedies for Acidity and Bloating Relief? You must be thinking, “Why go to Mother Nature and do all the work?” Well, let us tell you—Mother Nature doesn’t just solve the acidity and bloating problem; it repairs it from the inside out. Plus, it helps improve gut health naturally, giving you long-lasting […]

How Gut Health Supplements Improve Digestion?

How Gut Health Supplements Improve Digestion? - Vitricion

Your gut health is like the engine of your body – if it’s not running smoothly, everything else can fall apart. Good digestion is key to feeling your best because it helps your body absorb nutrients and keeps things moving along. Among the other symptoms connected with indigestion are gas, fatigue, and even skin issues. […]

Quick Relief from Acidity – Soothe the Burn, Feel the Cool

Quick Relief from Acidity- Cool the Fire Within | Vitricion oral strips

Quick relief from acidity can sound like building a castle in the air, doesn’t it? Well, what if we tell you that getting fast relief is totally possible? Whether you are choosing to eat spicy or oily food or anything that triggers acidity, we are here to help you learn how to take gut health […]

Understanding Acidity and Acid Reflux

What is Acidity and Acid Reflux? 1 | Vitricion

We’ve all heard people talking about finding the best medicine for acid reflux or acidity. These two are tossed around like they’re the same thing, but in reality, they’re as different as night and day! Both involve that uncomfortable reflux of stomach acid, which makes you feel like your chest or throat is on fire, […]

Ultimate Guide to Acidity Relief and Gut Health

Ultimate Guide to Acidity Relief and Gut Health | Vitricion

Have you ever felt that uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest after a meal? Or maybe you’ve dealt with persistent bloating that just won’t budge? If so, you’re definitely not alone! Gut health supplements are your allies.   Now, let me ask you this: how often do you find yourself feeling fatigued or struggling with an […]

Best Time to Consume Supplements

  Vitamins and supplements are the secrets to be a family that’s healthy and full of life. You must be wondering about your pet. Well, we have counted on your furry baby. But do you know that consuming vitamins alone isn’t enough? Just like we trust the process for the right timings, taking vitamins and […]

Common Nutritional Mistakes Pet Parents Make and How to Avoid Them?

  The fulfilling road of pet owners is marked by a wave of joy and cherished memories. People who have never had a dog before are excited to get one, but it’s important to know what responsibilities come with having one. Your dog needs more than just cuddles to be happy. You just have to […]